Aveley Secondary College values every minute students spend in class.
Late To School Process
Increasing numbers of student’s arriving late to class has required the College to implement a process to discourage lateness. Students arriving late to class interrupts the teaching and learning program for not only these students, but for the teacher and the rest of the class. We ask for parent support in assisting students to arrive on time for school and supporting college processes where they do not.
Students arriving chronically late (such as 15 minutes each day) lose the equivalent of 50 hours and 200 classes interrupted with their arrival over the year.
We understand that there may be occasions where students arrive late with a valid reason, which is beyond their control. However, the vast majority of late arrivals to school are through tardiness or poor preparation, which is preventable.
Reliable attendance and punctuality is an employability and life skill. Our focus is on developing the whole child and having high standards so that each child can reach their potential. Being on time maximises educational outcomes and prevents distractions for the whole class. This process has significantly reduced the number of late arrivals which in turn reduces lesson disruption across the school.
Arriving Late to School:
All students who arrive late are required to sign in at the relevant Student Services. All students will then be given a late note and sent to class. Students without evidence at time of signing in of a valid reason (medical note, appointment card, note or email from parent with valid explanation) will be given a consequence.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Reasonable Cause? – Reasonable Cause for lateness usually falls into one of these areas:
- Isolated circumstances that arise unexpectedly that are beyond the student/family control. (e.g. school bus arriving late, car break down, family emergency)
- Medical or other appointments (dentist, family court)
- What is deemed as evidence?
- Evidence can take the form of a medical certificate or appointment card, parent note or email that explains a reasonable cause, or in some case observable facts that support the cause.
- What is not Reasonable Cause?
- Students arriving late due to tardiness, sleeping in, missing a bus, looking after younger siblings (except in emergency).
- Why does my child have to arrive with or the school receive evidence prior to their arrival?
- As the late records are read from two systems it is difficult to apply a reason and undo entries once applied, it also discourages students from breeching the mobile phone policy to prompt an explanation.
- Should I be taking my child on holidays or trips during the school term?
- It is strongly discouraged to book family holidays or trips during school term. Please see the attached information brochure.
Our Attendance Officer can be contacted on:
Phone: 6296 1021
SMS: 0439 695 467
Email: aveley.sc.absence@education.wa.edu.au